I like Mei Li, but I don't
like the idea of this marriage.
If they were to marry, they'll be
sorry. You know all the reasons.
I know reasons.
I'm against it too.
I can't stop it,
but maybe you can.
Captain Hoxworth,
doesn't like the marriage either.
But it was Noel
who did the proposing.
No Hoxworth has broken
his word to us yet.
He isn't even asking
for a dowry.
Marry Wong boy,
marry whole family...
Marry Hoxworth,
marry one sailor.
At least he speaks our language.
He speaks Hakka?
Only Punti.
If this plague gets worse,
what'll happen to our business?
The city lots the Wongs want
are worth money...
and we may need it.
Now, you hear me...
Captain Hoxworth is my friend,
so his son is my friend...
but they're white.
They don't think like Chinese.
They don't have 5 sons, 1 daughter,
14 grandsons, 10 granddaughters.
They don't think about when they'd
be married to families...
that are the same one family
and they spread and spread forever.
That's what Mun Ki and I
talked about on Molokai.
That's what makes Mun Ki
live forever.
Hawaiian families understand,
but white families don't.
Wongs want ten lots,
we pay ten lots.