No. What, Virgil?
I'm going home to dinner.
Daddy! Andy hit me!
Andy said "l won't do it, and you can't
make me." Do you know what he did?
He took her Lego apart
and spread it around the room.
I asked him to pick it up, that's all I did.
Ginny said to him
"Do what Mummy says", and he hit her!
He took her arm and twisted it.
Ginny, that maybe was
none of your business.
I mean, you might have been
asking for that, hm?
You're some father! You really are.
You're never home, and when you
are home, you can't control your son!
Why not stay home and control your son?
You can't solve that murder,
and you're late for dinner, as usual!
You go in there and make him
pick it up, if you can!
She told you to slug me, didn't she?
But if I do, she wouldn't be too unhappy.
She's always on my back!
Yeah, but you shouldn't
have hit your sister.
I can't stand her. She can't do anything!
She's always standing
on her head for you.
Well, I'm... I'm proud
of what she's learned to do.
She's not quite as coordinated as you are.
She's learned to live with what she's got.
- What have you learned to live with?
- An uncoordinated sister.
Would you, uh... pick it up for me?
As a... sort of a personal favour?