Two Mules for Sister Sara

- What the hell?
Who the hell are these people?
Oigan, soy monja.
El señor trata de proteger
nuestros animales.

Come on, get down from there.
Turn around, I'll catch you.

Amigos, ¿qué hacen ustedes
aquí de noche?

Venimos huyendo de los franceses
que están en la estación de Satevo.

Están esperando el tren
de Santa María.

What about Santa Maria?
French soldiers at Satevo were
waiting for a train for Santa Maria.

Santa Maria's where I'm headed.
Those Juaristas are hiding out there.

Find out why the French
are going there.

All right. You can be sure I will.
All right, Satevo's a long way away,
so let's get some sleep.

Muchas gracias, pobrecitos.
- Hasta mañana.
- Adiós, hermana.

By the way, Sister,
I guess I owe you an apology.

When I was trying to get you
up the tree, I...

Oh, no apology is necessary,
Mr Hogan.

In emergencies,
the Church grants dispensation.

It's no sin that you pushed me up
the tree with your hands on my ass.

Where'd you learn
that kind of English?

- What kind?
- Ass.

Oh, in the convent.
Sister Harriet taught us
words for parts of the body.

This part she called the ass.
Where is this Sister Harriet from,

New Orleans. Why?
