
...to total up the amount
of purchases we made...

...the amount of money we took in.
We just, uh, haphazardly
sent it to our home...

...and had it locked up until we had
a chance to sit down and count it...

...which would probably be in
about, uh, two to three days.

Would you like to see it again next...?
I'd love to see it again!
You'd love to see it, though?
I can't say the farmers would.
Well, it, it's, it's
a matter of opinion.

What are your feelings
about the garbage?

Where there are people, there is garbage.
You, you can't stop, stop progress.

Saturday night we got word
over WVOS that...

...a lot of kids in town
didn't have anything to eat.

Word went out that everybody should
contribute food.

We went over to the park...
...the village permitted
them to camp there.

A police car went up the street here
with a loud speaker...

...and told the kids to come up there.
And we fed them Saturday
night and all day Sunday.

Excess stuff was taken over to the school
and they flew it to the, to the site.

How do you feel about them now?
Very good. I have a
nineteen-year-old myself.

He's out on the Coast, and I felt that
we've got to give them a fair shake here.

If kids are hungry, you've got
to feed them. I don't know...

...maybe we ought to put, we
ought to put everybody on pot.

And those kids were all happy.
They were all on pot.

Well, whatever it is...
It never should have happened.
If pot makes them happy and no trouble...
...maybe we ought to put all
the adults on pot!

You want a fifteen-year-old girl
sleeping in the field in a tent?

What are you, out of your mind?
It never should have happened!
Do you feel bad about the kids
who were killed in Vietnam?

This has nothing to do with...
It's the same thing. The same thing.
There's no comparison.
People get more excited about the kids
in Monticello than they do about...

Fifteen-year-old kids
sleeping in the field?

They wanted to.
They're all high on pot!
Look, maybe if pot made them peaceful,
maybe we all should take pot!
