How do you feel about them now?
Very good. I have a
nineteen-year-old myself.
He's out on the Coast, and I felt that
we've got to give them a fair shake here.
If kids are hungry, you've got
to feed them. I don't know...
...maybe we ought to put, we
ought to put everybody on pot.
And those kids were all happy.
They were all on pot.
Well, whatever it is...
It never should have happened.
If pot makes them happy and no trouble...
...maybe we ought to put all
the adults on pot!
You want a fifteen-year-old girl
sleeping in the field in a tent?
What are you, out of your mind?
It never should have happened!
Do you feel bad about the kids
who were killed in Vietnam?
This has nothing to do with...
It's the same thing. The same thing.
There's no comparison.
People get more excited about the kids
in Monticello than they do about...
Fifteen-year-old kids
sleeping in the field?
They wanted to.
They're all high on pot!
Look, maybe if pot made them peaceful,
maybe we all should take pot!
I was giving them water all along the
road here, right up on the bridge...
...and they were not on pot!
Very lovely children, believe me.
They were selling stuff.
There was plenty of stuff there.
There's no doubt about it.
They had hundreds of kids in that house.
If you have four hundred
and fifty thousand kids...
...and you've got two or three hundred...
...they were selling these,
these blue acid tablets...
...which are bad,
and they were selling them.
True, but figure the law of averages.
If you took 500 adults and brought
them together and had plenty of booze...
...you know what
would have happened?
You didn't see any drunks.
That's right. There was no fighting.
There was nobody stealing.
We had to feed them! What the hell
else was there to do?
There was nothing else to do!
Having a good time?
Very nice.
The water is nice.
We were all sitting on a tree
stump over there.