This is Mr. Nesbitt
of Harlow, Newtown.
Mr. Nesbitt,
will you stand up, please?
Mr. Nesbitt has learned
the first lesson of not being seen:
not to stand up.
However, he has chosen
a very obvious piece of cover.
Mr. E. W. Lambert of Homely,
The Burrows, Oswald Street...
has presented us with a poser.
We do not know
which bush he is behind.
But we can soon find out.
Yes. lt was the middle one.
Mr. and Mrs. Watson of Hull...
chose a very cunning way
of not being seen.
When we called at their house, we found
they had gone on two weeks holiday.
However, a neighbor told us
where they were.
And here is the neighbor
who told us where they were.
And here is where he lived.
And this is
where he was born.
And now for something
completely different.