In this picturethere are 47 people.
None of them can be seen.
In this film,we hope to show you...
how not to be seen.
This is Mr. E. R. Bradshawof Napier Court...
Blackline Road, London, SE 14.
He cannot be seen.
Now I'm going to ask himto stand up.
Mr. Bradshaw,will you stand up, please?
This demonstratesthe value of not being seen.
In this picture, we cannot seeMrs. B. J. Smegma...
of 13 The Crescent, Belmont.
Mrs. Smegma,will you stand up, please?
This is Mr. Nesbittof Harlow, Newtown.
Mr. Nesbitt,will you stand up, please?
Mr. Nesbitt has learnedthe first lesson of not being seen:
not to stand up.
However, he has chosena very obvious piece of cover.
Mr. E. W. Lambert of Homely,The Burrows, Oswald Street...
has presented us with a poser.
We do not knowwhich bush he is behind.
But we can soon find out.
Yes. lt was the middle one.
Mr. and Mrs. Watson of Hull...
chose a very cunning wayof not being seen.
When we called at their house, we foundthey had gone on two weeks holiday.
However, a neighbor told uswhere they were.