And Now for Something Completely Different

in a scene of such
spectacular proportions...

that it could never in your life be seen
in a low-budget film like this.

lf you'd notice,
my mouth isn't moving either.

But just as the monster cat
was starting to weaken...

the earth split apart
with a deafening roar and...

Hello. l wish
to register a complaint.

- Hello. Miss?
- What do you mean, "miss"?

Oh, l'm sorry. l have a cold.
l wish to make a complaint.

We're closing for lunch.

Nevermind that, my lad.
l wish to complain about this parrot...

what l purchased not half an hour ago
from this very boutique.

Oh, yes, the Norwegian blue.
What's wrong with it?

l'll tell you what's
wrong with it, my lad.

lt's dead.
That's what's wrong with it.

No, it's resting. Look.
Look, my Iad, l know a dead parrot when
l see one and l'm looking at one now.

No, that's not dead,
it's resting.

- Resting?
- Yeah, resting.

Remarkable bird, the Norwegian blue,
isn't it? Beautiful plumage.

The plumage don't enter into it.
lt's still dead.

No, it's resting.
All right, then.
lf it's resting, l'lI wake it up.
