to be a little odd.
- Odd?
- To an extent.
l'm not by nature
a suspicious person.
l've got a reputation of an after-dinner
speaker, if you get my meaning.
l certainly do.
And in the area where people know me,
l"m very well known.
- Fine. Would you--
- Certainly.
lt was time to face the facts,
stop beating about the bush...
or l'd never be able to look myself
in the bathroom mirror again.
WouId you mind running along for 10--
make it 20 minutes. All right?
Yes. l"ll wait outside,
shall l?
Yes, that-that"s perhaps
the best thing.
Certainly set my mind at rest
on one or two scores there.
Arthur Putey!
Are you a man or a mouse?
You've been running too long,
Arthur Putey.
lt's time to stop, time to turn
and fight like a man.
Go back in there,
Arthur Putey.
Go back in there
and pull your finger out.
Yes! Yes, you're right
This is it, Arthur Putey!
This is your moment,
Arthur Putey!
At last you're a man!
Come out of there. Dierdre!
l know you're in there
- Go away!
- Righto.