or profession.
- Do go on.
- We've always been close companions...
sharing the interests,
the gardening, the holiday money.
Twice a month of an evening, we settle
down to do the accounts together...
something which Dierdre -
that's my wife -
and I particularly look forward to
on account of her feet.
l should have said at the start that
I noted for having a grand sense of humor.
Although l've kept myself very much
to myself over the last couple of years.
lt"s only been as comparativeIy recently
as recently that l've begun to realize--
Well, perhaps "realize"
is too strong a word.
Uh, imagine that, uh,
l was not the only thing in her life.
You suspected your wife?
Wel I...
frankly, yes.
A bit.
Her behavior did seem to me--
Her behavior did seem to me.
who was there to see...
to be a little odd.
- Odd?
- To an extent.
l'm not by nature
a suspicious person.
l've got a reputation of an after-dinner
speaker, if you get my meaning.
l certainly do.
And in the area where people know me,
l"m very well known.
- Fine. Would you--
- Certainly.
lt was time to face the facts,
stop beating about the bush...
or l'd never be able to look myself
in the bathroom mirror again.
WouId you mind running along for 10--
make it 20 minutes. All right?
Yes. l"ll wait outside,
shall l?
Yes, that-that"s perhaps
the best thing.
Certainly set my mind at rest
on one or two scores there.