Pinin' for the fjords?
What kind of talk is that?
Look, why did it faIl flat on its back
the minute l got it home?
Well, the Norwegian blue prefers
keeping on its back. Beautiful plumage.
Look, l took the liberty of examining
that parrot and l discovered...
the only reason it had been sitting
on its perch in the first place...
was that it had been
nailed there.
Oh, well, of course
it was nailed there.
lf l hadn't nailed it there, it would
have muscled up to those bars and boom.
Look here mate.
This parrot wouldn't boom
if you put 4,000 volts through it.
lt's bleedin' demised.
No, it's pining.
lt's not pining,
it's passed on.
This parrot is no more.
lt has ceased to be.
lt's expired and
gone to see its maker.
This is a late parrot!
lt's a stiff.
Bereft of Iife.
lt rests in peace.
If you hadn't nailed it to the perch,
it would be pushing up the daisies.
lt's run down the curtain
and joined the choir invisible.
This is an ex-parrot.
Well. I'd better
replace it then.
lf you want to get anything done in
this country you've got to complain ...
till you're blue in the mouth.
Sorry, squire.
We're right out of parrots.
l see.
l get the picture.
- l've got a slug.
- Does it talk?
Not really.
Well, it's scarcely
a replacement then, is it?
Listen. l didn't want
to work in a pet shop.
l wanted to be a lumberjack.
Sorry. This is irrelevant.