- Does anyone speak Swahili?
- Most of them do down there.
No. Does anyone in our party
speak SwahiIi, sir?
- WeIl, Matron's got a smattering.
- Apart from the two Matrons.
Good Lord.
I forgot about her.
Apart from them, who else
is coming on our expedition ?
Well, we've got
the Arthur Brown twins...
two botanists called Madchen,
the William Johnston brothers...
- Two of them.
- Four. Pair of identical twins.
Two of the Harry Baker quads
and you two.
- And none of these are mountaineers?
- Well, you two are.
And we've got a brace of guides
called Jimmy Blankensoft...
because Kilimanjaro
is a pretty tricky climb.
Most of it's up,
till we reach the very top...
and then it tends
to slope away rather sharply.
But Jimmy's put his heads together
and worked out a way up. Jimmy
Jimmy Blankensoft, Arthur Wilson.
Arthur Wilson , Jimmy Blankensoft.
Jimmy Blankensoft Two,
Arthur Wilson Two.
Arthur Wilson Two,
Jimmy Blankensoft One.
- Carry on, Jimmy.
- Don't worry about the...
We'lI get him up, all right.
Well, l'd better describe the route.
We start off simply up Kilimanjaro...
Quite simple.
No problem there, basically.
And then we go on to
the main face itself of Kilimanjaro.
lt's a bit difficult
here because...
There's a difficult bit 'round here
when you've got to go...
from the end of the mantel-piece
onto the coffee table.
lt's a bit of a difficuIt jump.
We don't need those.
Then you've got the rail up here,
which is quite a good fortune.
There's a terribly easy bit
over the floor up onto the chair.
And then we've got...
We get down.
We go quite simplistic.