The not-white car is out...
and Crelm toothpaste goes on
to win with 100% protection.
Yes. do like all smart motorists.
Choose Crelm toothpaste!
Or Shrill petrol,
with the new additive GLC-9424075...
after 6:00 p.m., 9424047.
Using this white card
to represent engine deposits...
and this black card to represent
Shrill's new additive, GLC-9424075...
after 6:00 p.m., 9424047...
we can see how the engine deposits
are pushed off the face of the earth...
by the superior forces
available to Sh--
This is the police.
We know you're in there,
so come out with your hands up.
You'll never take me alive.
All right, then. Sergeant!
Conrad Poohs and His Dancing Teeth.