And Now for Something Completely Different

that when played
in the correct order...

they will squeak...
"Three Blinded White Mice".
Ladies and gentlemen,
l give you, on the mouse organ...

"Three Blinded White Mice".
Thank you.
- Oh, my God!
- Somebody stop him.

Ten seconds, studio.
Stop him!
Stop that bastard!

Hello, and welcome to another
edition of lt's the Arts.

And we kick off this evening
with a look at the cinema.

One of the most prolific film directors
of this age, or indeed, of any age...

is Sir Edward Ross, back in this country
for the first time in five years...

to open a season of his films
at the National Film Theatre.

And we are indeed fortunate to have him
with us in the studio this evening.

- Good evening.
- Edward...

- You don't mind if l call you Edward?
- Not at all.

lt does seem to worry some people.
l'm not sure why.

Some are sensitive, so l do take the
precaution of asking on these occasions.

- No, that's fine.
- So Edward it is. Splendid.

- l'm sorry to have brought it up.
- No. Edward it is.

Thank you very much
for being so helpful.

-At times it's more than my job's worth.

Makes it hard to establish a rapport,
to put the other person at his ease.

- Quite.
- Quite.

Silly little point,
but it does seem to matter.

Still Iess said the better.
Ted, when you first went in the film...

You don't mind if l call you Ted,
as opposed to Edward?
