cut to the next scene.
- Director...
- This is a frightened city.
Wait for itl
Director, cut!
This is a frightened city.
Over these streets, over these houses,
hangs a pall of fear.
An ugly kind of violence is rife,
stalking the town.
Yes, gangs of old ladies
attacking fit, defenseless young men.
They just come up to you
and push you, like.
Shove you off the pavement. There's
usually about four or five of them.
Yeah, sometimes
it's three or four of them.
lt's not even safe to go out
down to the shops anymore.
Grannies are no respecter
of race, creed or sex.
Theirs is a harsh.
ruthless world...
a tough world, a world in which
the surgical stocking is king.
But what are they in it for,
these senile delinquents...
these layabouts in lace?
- Oh, the violence.
- The prestige, mainly.
- The free gifts.
- Poking the knee in the groin.
We like pulling the heads
off sheep.
And tea cakes.
We have a Iot of trouble with grannies.
Pension day i s the worst.
Soon as they get it,
they blow the lot...
on milk, tea, sugar,
a tin of meat for their cat.
The whole crux
of the problem, uh...
lies in the basic
of these senile delinquents
with the world as they find it.
They begin to question, uh,
the values of their society.