
- If we both receive or both give...
- I can't receive and I can't give.

It's not going to work out.
It's no use, Fielding. I'm sorry.

Goodbye. I'm sorry if I hurt you.
Don't worry about me, sweetheart.
I'm like a cat.

I'll always wind up on my feet.
Can you believe that? She says
I'm not leader enough for her.

- Who's she looking for - Hitler?
- Women are very temperamental.

We went everyplace together.
We did everything. We fell in love.

- I fell in love. She just stood there.
- Did you have trouble in bed?

You kidding? Do I look like the kind
of guy that'd have trouble in bed?

- I didn't. I didn't.
- Was that any reason to quit the job?

I'm so depressed. I'd kill myself
if I thought that she would marry me.

- What are you gonna do?
- I gotta get out of here.

I'm going down to San Marcos.
We were gonna go down there together.
We were gonna write a paper on it.

She was gonna write it.
I was gonna type it.

I gotta see what conditions
down there are like.

Jesus. Life is so cruel.
See what I mean?
- Hi, Mom. Hi, Dad.
- Fielding.

I wanted to tell you that tomorrow
I'll be going out of the country.

What? Why are you going
out of the country now?

- It's a very long story...
- Martin, Martin. A girl?

- So what are you gonna do?
- I'm going down to South America.

- To a country called San Marcos.
- I've never heard of it, dear.

- And...
- Are they nice people there?

Nice? It's a turbulent situation and
I've been following it for a while.

Sure you have. You should've stayed
in school and followed study.

- I have a son myself...
- Will you stay out of this, please?

Ruth, don't talk to him about going away.
Talk to him about becoming a doctor.
Who will I leave this hospital to?

Will you cool it, Martin?
Don't get on his back. Let him alone.
