
Where... Where am l?
Please. No more Polish women.
We are in the rebel camp with Esposito.
Blood. That should be on the inside.
- Esposito wants to see you. Come on.
- Esposito tried to kill me.

It was Vargas that tried to kill you,
but in the uniforms of our people.

So your government would blame
Esposito. Come on. Come on.

- I'm Fielding Mellish.
- Vargas has told everyone you are dead.

That we killed you.
It is in all the newspapers.

Yeah, well, I'm very much alive and
I mean to lodge a formal complaint.

You cannot bash an American citizen
without State Department permission.

Vargas cares very little for
diplomatic procedures, my friend.

- We'll straighten him out.
- I'm afraid you cannot leave here.

He uses you to make
a big propaganda against us.

He doesn't want you to show up
and tell the world the truth.

So, what do you think will happen
if you show your face anyplace but here?

He will cut your throat and bury you.
Cut my throat? Do you realise
what that will do to my gargling?

It is war, my friend.
- Yeah, but I'm an American citizen.
- Sure. A dead one.

How long before I can
go back to New York?

After we win the revolution, we are free.
- When is the revolution?
- Six months.

Six months? I got a rented car.
- You have a chance to die for freedom.
- Freedom is wonderful.

On the other hand, if you're dead,
it's a drawback to your sex life.
