Now, what was it
you were trying to tell me?
That there were eight shots
in that gun.
Oh, thanks.
Give me a hand here.
Father, there has been
a misunderstanding.
When I said that I could
shoot proficiently
I meant with this.
- With that?
- Yes, sir.
Pick a target.
That tall tree there,
the edge of the small
broken branch.
Son, that's over 400 yards.
Nearer five.
Well, if you can shoot
that far,
quarter of a mile straight
along the edge of my nose
is a mountain buck.
Shoot it.
I don't kill to make
a point, Father.
there's two reasons to kill:
Survival and meat.
We need meat.
Oh, it's too late.
That's good shooting.
Not bad.
Father, you want
to try a shot?
Scope's set
for 500 yards.
Son, I couldn't
see that far.
Give me a hand
packing that mule.
Michael, let me see
that hand gun.
That sure is something.
Something wrong, Father?
Well, I can sleep cold,
eat raw meat, even raw fish,
but, come evening,
I sure miss my hot coffee.
Open me up a can
of them peaches.