Columbo: Lady in Waiting

Ladies and gentlemen.
Will you please take your seats?
Well, now, we've all been through
a period of anxiety and indecision

since my brother's death.
But in a corporate sense,
we must maintain our continuity.

As you all well know,
this is a family-owned firm.

Therefore, as of today,
I am assuming the presidency.

As my first order of business...
I would like to announce
the elevation of Mr Peter Hamilton

to executive vice-president
in charge of accounts.

As to philosophy,
my brother was a traditionalist.
I want to break new ground.
Would you pass these along, please?
I want to streamline.
We're gonna cut down marginal accounts
and start promoting ourselves for a change.
Seems to me we sell everything
but our own product.

Beth, forgive me, but that is our job.
Forgive me, but it's not.
Our job is to grow.

When was the last time
this agency took on a new account?

- We have all we can handle.
- Nonsense!

- I don't want to be difficult...
- I don't mean to interrupt

but this is really not the time
for negative thinking.

If you disagree with my approach,
you're free to sever
your relationship with the firm.

No, Beth, I feel that I can accommodate
myself to your way of thinking.

Yes, I'm sure you can.
Any questions?
Very well. We'll adjourn.
Oh, one more thing.
A happy and personal note.
