All right. You're bribing me
with a handsome lunch.
- What can I do for you?
- This is about an insurance policy.
Excellent. It's about time you came to me.
I can give you a package...
This is an insurance policy
that was already written.
- Oh, this is official business.
- Yeah.
There are two mystery writers,
Ken Franklin and James Ferris.
Your company wrote a policy on them?
We like to cooperate with the police,
but if you want confidential information,
I'm afraid...
Look, I don't want to cause you any trouble.
Maybe it would be more helpful
if I got a court order?
Oh, Ken, it was simply marvellous.
I was terrified.
Oh, really? I had the whole thing
figured out by the end of the first act.
Oh, you did? I was completely fooled.
You must have a devious mind.
No. It's because you're young.
Always remember one thing, my love. The
moment a man mentions a long-lost twin,
you can inevitably know that
it's going to be some impersonation.
It's an old plot trick.
Mr Franklin!
Yoo-hoo! Over here!
Who's that?
Someone that should be somewhere else.
Excuse me a moment.
Miss La Sanka, what a pleasant surprise.
- What brings you to the big city?
- Oh, I came in to do a little shopping.
- You like my dress?
- It's lovely.
See a play.
- She's a beauty, Mr Franklin.
- Yes, she is. Thank you.
- I haven't seen her before, have I?
- No, I don't believe you have.
Well, it's lovely to see you.