Good idea. We'll cover the place
all night, so rest easy.
All right, that's it for tonight, fellas.
Let's wrap it up and go home.
I'll get this tape to the lab right away.
- Good night, sir.
- Good night.
- I'll check with you in the morning.
- All right.
Well, Lieutenant, I guess that's it for tonight.
- Let's call it a night, uh?
- Oh... I'm sorry, I...
I was thinking there.
- Unique woman.
- What's that?
I say she's an exceptional woman.
What do you mean?
When the phone rang, she ran to the phone,
picked up the receiver...
and she never asked her husband
if he was all right.
I don't see anything strange about that,
she's frightened, under stress.
That's right, yes...
Yes, she was under stress.
I just can't help thinking
that if I was in the hands of kidnappers
and my wife didn't ask me if I was OK,
I'd think about that.
- What's your point?
- Point? No, no point.
Just that, er... she's a unique person.
- Good night, Lieutenant.
- Yeah, good night.
If you'll just initial here and sign here.
On all three copies.
$300,000, all yours.
- We got all the serial numbers?
- The bank helped us mark the money.