our chimpanzee friends are ready
to answer your questions, too.
Not by signs, not by looks or movements,
but by words.
Dr Dixon. As a zoologist,
l know and respect your work,
but ifyou want to turn
a Presidential lnquiry
into a ventriloquist's act,
l have to inform you...
And l have to inform you that
these apes have the power of speech.
Come, now. You know as well as l do
their brain system is not developed
in either the vocal or abstract-thinking area.
Yes, sir, but they do have
the power of speech,
and it is for you gentlemen to assess how
far that power can be exercised intelligently.
May we be told which
is the female ofthe species?
Did she rise as a reflex to you having
indicated her, or in answer to my question?
That's for you to decide.
- Have you a name?
- Zira.
Certainly she can articulate,
which in itself is extraordinary.
But, Dr Dixon,
are we to infer that Zira is her name,
or some phrase in her own language?
lnfer what you will, Mr Chairman.
l suggest you rephrase the question.
What is your name?
- One might as well be talking to a parrot.
- A parrot?
Mechanical mimicry.
Unique in an ape vocally, without a doubt.
But... does the other one talk?
Only when she lets me.
- Dr Hasslein.
- No. Nothing.