- Have you a name?
- Zira.
Certainly she can articulate,
which in itself is extraordinary.
But, Dr Dixon,
are we to infer that Zira is her name,
or some phrase in her own language?
lnfer what you will, Mr Chairman.
l suggest you rephrase the question.
What is your name?
- One might as well be talking to a parrot.
- A parrot?
Mechanical mimicry.
Unique in an ape vocally, without a doubt.
But... does the other one talk?
Only when she lets me.
- Dr Hasslein.
- No. Nothing.
- Mr Chairman.
- Yes.
What is the male's name, please?
- Cornelius.
- My lawfully wedded spouse.
- Wedded?
- We'll take that up later, Your Eminence.
Cornelius, do you and
your lawfully wedded spouse
speak any language other than English?
What is English?
l speak the language taught to me by my
parents, who were taught by their parents.
lt has been the language
of our ancestors for nearly 2,000 years.
As to its origins, who can be sure?
The gorillas and orangutans
of our community
believe that God created the ape
in His own image, and that our language...
Cornelius, as an intellectual, you know
the gorillas are militaristic nincompoops
and the orangutans, a bunch
of blinkered, pseudoscientific geese!