spoke with how strong a bond
the child was bound to th' father.
My son Edgar.
I threaten'd
to discover him.
He replied,
"Who would
put any trust
or faith in thee,
"thou unpossessing
He cannot be
such a monster,
to his father
that so tenderly
and entirely loves him.
I dare pawn down
my life for him.
He's done this
to feel my affection
to your honour,
and no other
pretence of danger.
Think you so?
Has he never before
sounded you
in this matter?
I have heard him
maintain it to be fit
that sons at perfect age
and fathers in decline,
the father should be
put in care of the son,
and the son
manage the revenue.
Villain, villain!
brutish villain!
If your honour
judge it meet,
I'll place you
where you shall hear us
confer of this.
Edgar, when saw you
my father last?
Parted you
on good terms?
Saw you no displeasure
in him?
Bethink yourself
wherein you may
have offended him.