and the son
manage the revenue.
Villain, villain!
brutish villain!
If your honour
judge it meet,
I'll place you
where you shall hear us
confer of this.
Edgar, when saw you
my father last?
Parted you
on good terms?
Saw you no displeasure
in him?
Bethink yourself
wherein you may
have offended him.
What does it say?
"If our father
would sleep
till I wak'd him,
"you should enjoy
half his revenue for ever,
"and live the beloved
of your brother."
Help! Murder!
When came you to this?
I found it at my casement.
Some villain hath done me wrong.
That's my fear.
Have you not spoken
'gainst the Duke of Cornwall?
He's coming hither now
in the night, in haste,
and Regan with him.
Have you nothing
said against
the Duke of Albany?