
You can understand.
I was pretty upset last night.

I can't blow the whistle on this girl.
I can't do it under the circumstances.

I can't be the one to cast the first stone.
You get my meaning, don't you?

Not old Joe Kotcher. No, sir.
So, what do you say
we forget the whole thing, okay?

Okay, Pop. Anything you say.
Listen, Gerald,
you don't happen to remember our 1925...

Essex, do you? No, probably not.
It was a wonderful car.
Climbed Pike's Peak twice. Never boiled.

Hey, not on Wilma's plants.
- You in here, Gerald?
- Close the door.

Close the door.
You never know, the way he goes
spooking around the house all the time.

Yesterday he charged in on me
Just as I was getting out of the shower.

He's getting nuttier by the minute,
among other things.

I know, old people are a big problem.
Nationally, it's a staggering problem...

but on the local level, I've just had it.
I know.
What about Erica? You gonna let her go?
Look here, Gerald.
We agreed not to involve Wilma.

That was highly confidential.
It's out of my hands.
Her brother is her guardian,
he talked it over with his wife...

and he decided
that the best thing for Erica...

was to make a complete break with
all her friends here and go off someplace.
