Hey, not on Wilma's plants.
- You in here, Gerald?
- Close the door.
Close the door.
You never know, the way he goes
spooking around the house all the time.
Yesterday he charged in on me
Just as I was getting out of the shower.
He's getting nuttier by the minute,
among other things.
I know, old people are a big problem.
Nationally, it's a staggering problem...
but on the local level, I've just had it.
I know.
What about Erica? You gonna let her go?
Look here, Gerald.
We agreed not to involve Wilma.
That was highly confidential.
It's out of my hands.
Her brother is her guardian,
he talked it over with his wife...
and he decided
that the best thing for Erica...
was to make a complete break with
all her friends here and go off someplace.
In that case,
Pop can take over again for a while.
Not on your life.
Last time grandpa brought him back
from one of their excursions...
I smelled beer on Duncan's breath.
All he does is let him suck the foam a little.
Half the time, I can't even find out
where they've been. Worries me sick.
One more thing like that park thing...
In all fairness, Wilma,
Pop didn't do anything wrong.
We established that.
You don't have to check
the refrigerator door 10 times a day...
because he leaves it open.
You don't use the back bathroom.
I don't have to...
but it's more convenient
when I'm doing the laundry.
I don't know how many times I've told him,
but he still does it.
He still leaves the seat up.
I'll speak to him about it.
I'll tell you something else.
Did you see the water bill last month?
We can afford it.
The point I'm making here...
Old people like to water. You ever notice
old people are always watering?
The point is,
he must have $15,000 or $20,000 in the bank.
I don't know how much money he's got.