Land des Schweigens und der Dunkelheit

It was awful.
When the doctor noticed
it could be very long...

he took me off the morphine.
It was difficult,
but I got through it.

People think deafness
means silence...

but that's wrong.
It's a constant noise...
going from a gentle humming...
through some cracking sounds to
a steady droning, which is worst.

You don't know
what to do any more.

It's very hard on us.
Sometimes it makes us
rather touchy.

It's the same for the blind.
It isn't total darkness.
You often see
all kinds of colours.

Black, grey, white...
blue, green, yellow...
it depends...
Hello, Mr Messmer.
I'm very glad...
you came here.
Fini invited her friends
for her birthday.

They're blind and deaf like her.
It isn't easy to Organize.
