[Both Laughing]
Oh, you're so cute.
I could just eat you alive.
Let your hair grow crazy.
- [Laughing]
- Alfred, have you ever seen such a madhouse?
Will you cut it out?
He's in the house three minutes...
and you're already
putting him on the spot.
Alfred, have you ever seen
anything like this in your life, huh?
Oh, you're just so handsome.
I can't get over it.
I've always had this mad thing
for my kid brother.
Kenny's the comedian around here.
[Patsy Laughing]
Well, what's your pleasure,
young fella?
Mother, what have you
done to this room?
Oh, nothing special.
A little bit of this, a little bit of that.
[Carol] If you would bother
to come home more often.
- Uh...
- [Mother] I don't like your looks.
What's the matter with her looks?
She looks like a million dollars.
You got black rings under your eyes.
- Mother, that's eyeliner.
- Uh-huh.
Makes you look exhausted.
- I like it.
- [Mother] Always together.
Do you have the slightest idea
what you're talking about?
- She looks like a million dollars.
- I know.
It's what they're wearing today.
I'm out of step as usual.
What's your pleasure, young fella?
- Why didn't you wear your other outfit?
- What other outfit?
- Will you stop criticizing?
- What other outfit, Mother?
Well, I can't be expected to remember
everything. It isn't as if you still lived here.
Hey, Al. You wanna see
Patsy's old room?
Alfred, Kenny. And he's not
interested in that.
- I bet he is. Want to?
- Maybe later.
- Why should I care?
- Look, he doesn't want to.
Will you stop acting silly?
Well, what's your pleasure,
young fella?
- If I can have a...
- Alfred. Alfred.
Can I shake your hand?
My mother always told us...
you can tell a lot about a person
by the way he shakes hands.