- Mother, that's eyeliner.
- Uh-huh.
Makes you look exhausted.
- I like it.
- [Mother] Always together.
Do you have the slightest idea
what you're talking about?
- She looks like a million dollars.
- I know.
It's what they're wearing today.
I'm out of step as usual.
What's your pleasure, young fella?
- Why didn't you wear your other outfit?
- What other outfit?
- Will you stop criticizing?
- What other outfit, Mother?
Well, I can't be expected to remember
everything. It isn't as if you still lived here.
Hey, Al. You wanna see
Patsy's old room?
Alfred, Kenny. And he's not
interested in that.
- I bet he is. Want to?
- Maybe later.
- Why should I care?
- Look, he doesn't want to.
Will you stop acting silly?
Well, what's your pleasure,
young fella?
- If I can have a...
- Alfred. Alfred.
Can I shake your hand?
My mother always told us...
you can tell a lot about a person
by the way he shakes hands.
Mmm, you got a good handshake.
- You better watch out, Patsy.
I'll steal your boyfriend.
- [Chuckles]
I'm only joking.
- [All Laughing]
- Oh, Lord.
[Mother] Alfred...
Is there something
the matter with your face?
Is there?
Oh, it's just the usual
assortment ofbruises, Mother.
What sort of talk is that?
- Modern talk?
- Well, Alfred's always getting beat up.
- Oh, I don't get hurt.
- What?
- I don't get hurt.
- You don't get hurt?
Your face is a mass of bruises.
Look at the boy, Carol.
- His face is a mass of bruises.
- I have asked you never to call me that name.
- I hate that name, "Carol."
- Well, I have to call you something, dear.
Well, I don't care what you call me!
Just don't call me Carol!