Little Murders

Well, I say, why not bring it out
in the open?

Why does one decide to marry?
Social pressure?
Boredom? Loneliness?

Sexual appeasement?
I won't put any of these reasons down.
Each in its own way is adequate.
Each is all right.

Last year I married a musician who wanted
to get married in order to stop masturbating.

Please, don't be startled.
I'm not putting him down.

That marriage did not work.
But the man tried.
He is now separated,
still masturbating...

but he is at peace
with himself...

because he tried society's way.
So, you see, it was not a mistake.
It turned out all right.

Now, just last month I married
a novelist to a painter.

Everyone at the wedding ceremony was under
the influence of an hallucinogenic drug.

The drug quickened
our mental responses...

slowed our physical responses...
and the whole ceremony
took two days to perform.

Never have the words had
such meaning.

Now, that marriage should last.
Still, if it does not,
well, that'll be all right.

For don't you see, any step
that one takes is useful, is positive...

has to be positive
because it's a part of life.

Even the negation of the previously
taken step is positive.

That too is a part of life.
And in this light... and only in this light...

should marriage be viewed
as a small, single step.

If it works, fine.
If it fails, fine.
Look elsewhere for satisfaction.

To more marriages, fine.
As many as one wants. Fine.

To homosexuality? Fine.
To drug addiction?

I will not put it down. Each of these
is an answer for somebody.

For Alfred,
today's answer is Patricia.

For Patricia,
today's answer is Alfred.

I will not put them down for that.
So what I implore you both...
Patricia and Alfred...
