Little Murders

and the whole ceremony
took two days to perform.

Never have the words had
such meaning.

Now, that marriage should last.
Still, if it does not,
well, that'll be all right.

For don't you see, any step
that one takes is useful, is positive...

has to be positive
because it's a part of life.

Even the negation of the previously
taken step is positive.

That too is a part of life.
And in this light... and only in this light...

should marriage be viewed
as a small, single step.

If it works, fine.
If it fails, fine.
Look elsewhere for satisfaction.

To more marriages, fine.
As many as one wants. Fine.

To homosexuality? Fine.
To drug addiction?

I will not put it down. Each of these
is an answer for somebody.

For Alfred,
today's answer is Patricia.

For Patricia,
today's answer is Alfred.

I will not put them down for that.
So what I implore you both...
Patricia and Alfred...

to dwell on while I ask you these questions
required by the state of New York to...

legally bind you...
sinister phrase, that...

is that not only are the legal questions
I ask you meaningless...

but so too are the inner questions that
you ask yourselves meaningless.

Feeling one's partner
does not matter.

Sexual disappointment
does not matter.

Nothing can hurt if you do not see it
as being hurtful.

Nothing can destroy if you do not
see it as destructive.

It is all part of life...
part of what we are.
So now, Alfred...
"Do you take Patricia to be
your lawfully wedded wife...

to love..."whatever that means...
"to honor...

to keep her in sickness, in health,
in prosperity and adversity..."

What nonsense!
"Forsaking all others..."
What a shocking invasion of privacy.

Rephrase that to more sensibly say...
"If you choose to have affairs, then you
won't feel guilty about them."
