So, that's it.
Unless, of course,
you'd like us to stay around.
-See if maybe someone doesn't....
-Go ahead.
I've got my tit in the wringer
on these books.
I can't tell the goddamn owls
from the chickens.
Fourteen and eight.
Fourteen and eight.
Why are you always
in such a lousy temper?
Because, my dear Mrs. Miller, I not only
built you your gooseberry ranch...
I've paid for a bathhouse I don't need.
I've paid for transportation.
I've paid for towels, and linens,
and enema bags.
I've paid for things them chippies of yours
don't even know how to use.
But I have not sold a bottle of whiskey
in here today, and that's a fact!
That, my dear Mr. McCabe,
is because every geezer in this town...
was taking a bath in your bathhouse...
or having it off with a girl
in your whorehouse.
I ain't seen none of that money.
What my books tell me I need is money.
Whorehouse, bathhouse money
for the first week.
We're short on the bath money
because of the first-night rush...
but I'll see it won't happen again.