Why are you always
in such a lousy temper?
Because, my dear Mrs. Miller, I not only
built you your gooseberry ranch...
I've paid for a bathhouse I don't need.
I've paid for transportation.
I've paid for towels, and linens,
and enema bags.
I've paid for things them chippies of yours
don't even know how to use.
But I have not sold a bottle of whiskey
in here today, and that's a fact!
That, my dear Mr. McCabe,
is because every geezer in this town...
was taking a bath in your bathhouse...
or having it off with a girl
in your whorehouse.
I ain't seen none of that money.
What my books tell me I need is money.
Whorehouse, bathhouse money
for the first week.
We're short on the bath money
because of the first-night rush...
but I'll see it won't happen again.
I'm not surprised you don't know
how much money you've got...
and how much you ain't.
You've got your credit column
on a different page from your debits.
Keep your nose out
of things you don't understand.
-What's 14 from 23?
You heard me. 14 from 23.
Nine. Nine plus 16?
-Twenty-five. Five and--
-My dear madam!
I can hold my own in any game of chance,
and figure out payoffs before you blink!
Don't give me horse-puckies because
it takes me time to write it up formal.
If you're so bloody smart,
you'd know that if we went ahead...
and bought the windows and doors,
you'd make twice as much money.
Perhaps you like screwing
with the wind whistling up your ass!
How come whenever you talk
about money, you say "we"?
I say "we," Mr. McCabe,
because you think small.
You think small
because you're afraid to think big.
I'm telling you,
you have to spend money to make money.
You want to spend the rest of your life
shuffling cards in this dump? Fine!