You are afraid to have direct,
honest contact with anything!
Because of your rigid standards
of morality...
you want your behavior to be
as perfect as your music.
Every slip is a fall, a catastrophe,
resulting in irreparable contamination.
- I am contaminated...
- lf only you were!
To be in debt to one's own senses...
for a condition
which is irredeemably corrupt and sick.
What joy for an artist!
Think what a dry
and arid thing good health is.
Especially if it's of the soul
no less than the body.
I have to find my balance somehow.
How unfortunate that art is so indifferent
to personal morality...
otherwise you would be supreme,
unreachable, inimitable.
Tell me, do you know what lies
at the bottom of the mainstream?
You are leaving us tomorrow, sir?
Yes, tomorrow.
Unforeseen circumstances.
- An unexpected obligation.
- I understand, sir.
I have to return to Munich.
I heard the news this morning.
It's unavoidable.
Also, I'm not very well and...
- this climate is...
- Yes, sir.
...most trying for my health.
- I understand, sir.
Will you have my luggage
sent on tomorrow, and any letters?
Of course, sir.
And have my bill made out immediately.
As you wish, Mr. Aschenbach.
The bill of Mr. Aschenbach, immediately.
- Thank you.
- I will have it right down.
Yes, thank you.