How is the pain?
- Better, General.
Feeling better?
- Yes, thank you.
This is the captured English doctor
with his sick men.
May I translate for you?
Not necessary. Good of you to help.
Do you really believe it's typhus?
We're making tests, but let's hope
it's something less serious.
You are being well-treated?
- Very well.
Despite the circumstances,
I'm particularly pleased to meet you.
You and I share a common hobby.
- Which is? - Philately.
You are a stamp collector? - My South
Pacific collection is almost complete.
I wasn't aware
I was known as a philatelist.
I mentioned it to the Hauptmann
as an irony of war.
I made a joke about it. How the
collector was collected by you.
President Roosevelt
is a famous collector.