Uh, cheers, miss.
- Mr. Sumner.
- Huh?
Would you like to
shoot with us sometime?
Oh, I've, uh...
I never hunted much.
Oh, but you've, uh,
shot, Mr. Sumner?
Just once or twice,
but that was...
Be easy then.
You should try it, sir.
Living here at Trencher's, with good
shootin' outside the door. Eh, Norman?
Right. Right, sir.
How about tomorrow, sir?
Okay. Thank you.
That m... That might be... fun.
I'd like that.
Thank you.
What about the garage?
It can wait.
We'll meet at Wakely
at about half past 8:00.
- You know the pub?
- Yes, I do.
Well, we'd better
get back to work, sir.
Thank you for putting that up.
That's all right, sir.
Oh, I, uh,
I don't have a gun.
But, uh...
will this do?
There'll be plenty extra, sir.
- Thank you for the drink, sir.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
- Thanks for the drink, sir.
Oh, it's my pleasure.