PooI HoteI?
Message desk.
- What was the name?
- Dr. DanieI Hirsh.
- Oh! Dr. Hearsh!
- What were those caIIs?
Just a minute.
There was a caII from Dr. Simon,
a caII from Mrs. Burke, you have
the number, and one from Mr. EIgin.
Did Mr. EIkin say how Iong he'd be in?
He was going straight out.
He must have changed his mind.
He's in. It's engaged.
It might be someone eIse ringing him.
I know, but he needs to taIk to me
before he goes away for the weekend.
Oh, never mind.
In future, try and get his name
roughIy right. It adds a personaI touch.
It's EIkin, not EIgin or AIvin
or AIcott or Higgins.
You've been taking it Iong enough.
WiII you be picking up now?
No, I'm going out. Thank you. Goodbye.