TeII me if you feeI anything at aII.
- Here?- No.
- How about there?- No.
I think we ought to Iose a IittIe weight.
Why do doctors aIways say ''we''?
As if it were your pain?
How about here?
That's it. My appendix side.
You shouIdn't readthose medicaI journaIs.
It's probabIy the worrythat's hurting you.
You thought you had a brain tumor onceand it was your bowIer hat.
- This does hurt.- Yes.
I think perhaps it's a good ideaif we got you in for a few tests.
Tests? There's something criticaI?
There's nothing criticaI.
There's no question of that.
It's just in case there is coIitis.
You are hiding something from me.
I'm not hiding anything from you.This may be nothing at aII.
Give me a moment, wiII you?I've got to be sure, OK?
Sorry. No, I can't. I'm with a patient.
- Do you want me to Ieave?- No, of course not.
Can I ring you back?
It shouIdn't be Iong but I can't now.