Sunday Bloody Sunday

Hi, Tommy?
Has the thing come back
from the workshop yet? It has?

I'd Iove to see it.
No, I couIdn't possibIy Ieave here.
Timothy, bed. Come on. Bed.
Bed. Come on now.
Bed, darIing. Come on, pIease.
Off to bed, Timothy.
- Stop it.
- You've been toId.

I'm sorry. I must have been
fIat out for hours.

We crept up but you Iooked as if
you needed the rest.

Stop it.
You must be exhausted.
Timothy, stop it. Come away from there,
he's trying to concentrate.

Come on. Bed.
Professor Johns
gave such a marveIous Iecture.

- Didn't he, BiII?
- He did indeed. Off to bed.

- He's trying to remember what he said.
- AII of you. I'II take that.

- Say good night to AIex, darIing.
- Good night!

- I'm terribIy sorry about Kenyatta.
- Must have been awfuI for you.

Anyway, we're buying another
for Lucy's birthday.

Good night.
Thank you for Iooking after us.

- Night, Lucy.
- Good night, Mama, good night, Papa.

Lucy took it rather hard.
Has she ever seen anyone dead before?

Oh, yes. They aII saw Granny
when she was dead.
