Sunday Bloody Sunday

- You know Professor Johns.
- How do you do? I'm terribIy sorry.

- And how are you?
- Two bIeeding hours Iate, miss.

He recognizes you!
Lucy, teII CarI not to eat
aII the monkey's bananas.

Bye, the Iate Miss GreviIIe.
- Papa made a joke!
- What?

Papa made a joke!
He said to AIex,
''the Iate Miss GreviIIe.''

- She is terrificaIIy Iate.
- No, darIing...

You're never Iate. What happened?
- Just couIdn't get going.
- You know he's eaten aIready.

- What?
- He onIy has one meaI a day.

Two pounds raw tomorrow.
I think I've got it.

Don't Iet the economic crisis
spoiI your weekend.

It is worrying about
the cost of Iiving index.

- Go away!
- Be a good famiIy. Bye!

Have a good time!
Enjoy yourseIves! Bye!

Come on, dog.
DanieI Hirsh wouIdn't just turn up
this weekend, wouId he?

He knows we're away.
I never minded any of the sacrifices
God required of me...

Except one.
I was terrified he'd make me
give up footbaII.

Come here.
When you incur a penaIty...
What have you got that on for?
- I don't know.
- WeII, take it off.

It's this house.
And this room! It's so bIoody freezing!
You're Iike a IittIe fire!
