Have a good time!
Enjoy yourseIves! Bye!
Come on, dog.
DanieI Hirsh wouIdn't just turn up
this weekend, wouId he?
He knows we're away.
I never minded any of the sacrifices
God required of me...
Except one.
I was terrified he'd make me
give up footbaII.
Come here.
When you incur a penaIty...
What have you got that on for?
- I don't know.
- WeII, take it off.
It's this house.
And this room! It's so bIoody freezing!
You're Iike a IittIe fire!
I do Iove you.
WeII, thank you, sir.
Good night.
If you get up, I'II kiII you.
Yes, I'm just coming.
It's me, Lucy, just to say
I'II Iook after John Stuart for you.
She sounds Iike somebody's
mother-in-Iaw, Ioitering.