- I'm so sorry.
- TeII me...
how Iong is it since you've Ied a...
normaI married Iife with him?
How Iong is it?
I can't compIain.
You mean he hasn't
been near you for a Iong time?
- Or is it that you haven't wanted him to?
- He's never forced himseIf on me.
Have you ever thought of Iiving apart?
I couIdn't do that. It wouId kiII him.
Sometimes peopIe survive better apart,
even after a Iong time together.
What do you know?
You're not married, are you?
- No.
- WeII, then.
It's too Iate to start again.
You see, it was never that sort of thing
between us.
Not what you're saying.
Nothing physicaI.
He just said when he proposed to me,
''Do you think we'd make a go of it?''
I said, ''When you've got a house,''
and there it is.
We've aIways been good to one another.
Did I speak out of turn?
Oh, no.
Good of you to see me on a Saturday.
A doctor's aIways busy, though.
Must be interesting seeing peopIe.
- I couId do with a hoIiday.
- It's a caIIing, isn't it?
- I'm so sorry.
- Hang on.