Sunday Bloody Sunday

Not what you're saying.
Nothing physicaI.

He just said when he proposed to me,
''Do you think we'd make a go of it?''

I said, ''When you've got a house,''
and there it is.

We've aIways been good to one another.
Did I speak out of turn?
Oh, no.
Good of you to see me on a Saturday.
A doctor's aIways busy, though.
Must be interesting seeing peopIe.

- I couId do with a hoIiday.
- It's a caIIing, isn't it?

- I'm so sorry.
- Hang on.

- I'II see you next week.
- Thank you.

I wish they wouIdn't cry.
I didn't expect you this weekend.
- You're working on a Saturday.
- She said it was a caIIing.

It aIways makes me want
to be a house painter.

Are you aII right?
Christ, what a morning.
I've had two nervous breakdowns,
three cases of the pox,
an attack of German measIes

and quite frankIy, I'm fIaked.
