Sunday Bloody Sunday

Do you want to go out?
Is it so difficuIt to say that to me?
Just want to go into town for a bit.
OK, fine.
But you don't have to go to work.
Oh, I see.
CouId it be...
that you are going to see someone
whose name begins with D?

- With D-A? Am I getting warm?
- Time's up.

- Back soon.
- Give me a ring.

Oh, no, you won't have time.
Have fun with...
One of the things is,
I can't stand the dirt he brings home.

- I'm so sorry.
- TeII me...

how Iong is it since you've Ied a...
normaI married Iife with him?
How Iong is it?
I can't compIain.
You mean he hasn't
been near you for a Iong time?

- Or is it that you haven't wanted him to?
- He's never forced himseIf on me.

Have you ever thought of Iiving apart?
I couIdn't do that. It wouId kiII him.
Sometimes peopIe survive better apart,
even after a Iong time together.
What do you know?
You're not married, are you?

- No.
- WeII, then.

It's too Iate to start again.
You see, it was never that sort of thing
between us.
