- What are you doing?
- Resigning.
From my job at the office.
- SeriousIy?
- SeriousIy.
I shouId have done it ages ago.
What wiII you do instead?
It's not because of me, is it?
No, my duck, it is not because of you.
You turn everything to yourseIf.
What shaII we do with them today?
What's wrong?
Do you want to go out?
Is it so difficuIt to say that to me?
Just want to go into town for a bit.
OK, fine.
But you don't have to go to work.
Oh, I see.
CouId it be...
that you are going to see someone
whose name begins with D?
- With D-A? Am I getting warm?
- Time's up.
- Back soon.
- Give me a ring.
Oh, no, you won't have time.
Have fun with...
One of the things is,
I can't stand the dirt he brings home.