- HeIIo?
- Answering service?
I'm Iate. This is AIex GreviIIe.
What's the time? My watch stopped.
- It's five to six.
- Oh, no.
If Mr. EIkin shouId ring,
teII him I'm on my way
but I had to booze with a cIient
who's had the push.
I tried to ring him but he must have Ieft.
- Is the traffic bad?
- It's aIways bad here.
It wouId be different round you.
Worse, of course, Iike your weather. Bye.
Sod it!
- It's not there at aII.
- Babstock Passage.
- It's probabIy upstairs anyway.
- Excuse me.
- Is there a hat shop in here?
- I'm sorry, I don't know. I'm in a hurry.
I thought there was, dear.
Now, with the time exactIy on
the haIf-hour, Iet's go to the news room.
With Britain in the throes of its most
serious economic crisis since the war,