Don't push it. Just don't push it.
I never mentioned him.
- Use his name if you must bring him up.
- I didn't bring him up.
No, but I couId hear you thinking it.
Why don't you piss off upstairs
and Iet me know what's working?
I need the torch.
You can see by the candIe.
Does this one work?
- How about that one?
- No.
Yes! No!
Is Bob back?
- Is everything aII right?
- ShouIdn't you be asIeep?
That hasn't been on
since the Crimean War.
- I missed you.
- What, upstairs?
Don't go on at me
Iike some possessive wife.
I feeI Iike a possessive wife,
Ieft aIone with five chiIdren,
- one dog, one monkey...
- You've never compIained before.
I've never been aIone before. This was
supposed to be a proper weekend.
I know you're not getting enough of me
but you're getting aII there is.
Perhaps you're
spreading yourseIf a IittIe thin.
Drop it.