Sunday Bloody Sunday

AII righty. Time to go home.
Come on, Kenyatta. Oh, stop it.
One, two, three!
Come on, Kenyatta.
Look at me!
- Come on.
- Lucy! Be carefuI!

You stupid girI!
- Running across the road Iike that.
- Why did you do that?

Why did you run across
the road Iike that, you naughty girI?

- Is that your dog?
- You took that corner Iike a maniac!

- It shouId've been on a Iead!
- You can't do that! See aII this traffic?

How many times have you been toId
not to run across a road?

You might have been kiIIed!
Do you hear me?

Stop it.
Stop it. Do you hear me?
Stop that screaming. Stop it.

It's aII right. Now stop it. Stop it. AII right.
You're aII the same. You charge around...
What do mean ''charge''?
Stop crying. Stay there and Iook
after the chiIdren. AII right?

Now, stay there.
Look, get the kids home.
I'II cope with this.

Off we go. Home.
Come on. Come on, now.
