"...in the largest New York cinema...
"...which can seat 30,000 people...
"...and is being built
on a mountain 2,000 metres high
"It has to be finished
for the premiere
"Because mine will be
the opening film
"From the top
you can see half of America...
"...from the Cordilleras
to the Andes...
"...not to mention the Atlantic Ocean
"The cinema will have
an airport, too...
"...for the rich who will all...
"...all come by plane
"Up till now I've been staying
at the Waldorf Astoria...
"...in a 20- room suite...
"...on the 100th floor
"But the reporters
were such a nuisance that we moved...
"...to a 16th century castle...
"...brought over here
stone by stone from France
"Even my Negro butler and my barber...
"...have a suite of their own...
"I ride for an hour every morning
"I've got a white mare, 'Darling'
"Six secret agents
hired by the film company...
"...follow me on horseback...
|... at a distance of a 100 paces...
"I can't send you
lovely presents yet...
"...because I won't get my fee...
"...till the film is completed...